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Konyaalti Transfer

Prices starting from 40

Antalya is the first tourist attraction that comes to mind. It hosts 30 thousand historical monuments. Antalya museum, which has become the center of attention of tourists with its 5 thousand historical monuments, gives the right to its popularity. It offers visitors the opportunity to have fun. The starting date of the service is 1922. In 1972, it moved to its current position. In summer, service is provided between 8.30 and 19.30. The entrance fee for visitors who do not have a museum card is 30 Turkish liras. It is 5 kilometers between Konyaaltı Beach and Antalya Museum.

Geyikbayırı Cave

A new region of tourism in Konya is the Geyikbayırı cave. It has a full 6.5 meter depth. The most interesting aspect of Geyikbayırı cave appears when it rains. With the filling of the caves of the cave, a wonderful view emerges, which attracts the attention of tourists. It is 28 kilometers between Konyaaltı beach and Geyikbayırı by Koyaaltı transfer.


Minicity, which is very close to Konyaaltı beach, has been visited by local people. Tourists from different cities often visit minicity. There is a tiny fee to enter this place where the tiny designs of many historical architectures are exhibited. Antalya Konyaaltı region is easily accessible by transfer.

Antalya Aquarium

Antalya Aquarium is a region that is flooded with many local and foreign tourists. It is exactly 131 meters long. Service is available between 10:00 and 20:00. A fee must be paid for its entrance, but it can also be visited economically with different packages. Konyaaltı Antalya is a touristic place that can be visited by transfer.

Konyaaltı City Square

Konyaaltı city square was brought to the city by the municipality. It is much larger than the Republic square. A huge Turkish flag welcomes visitors right in the middle of the square. It is 26 km away from Konyaaltı. Antalya airport Konyaaltı transfer is 9 km away.

Feslikan Plateau

Bereket mountains and Feslikan springs located in the south of Montenegro have natural beauty. Apart from domestic tourists, it has become the center of attention of tourists from different cities and countries. It is a region suitable for sports thanks to its forests and natural walking areas. Konyaaltı Antalya airport is 26 kilometers away from the transfer.